5 Popular Content Types Used By Agencies For Brands Benefits

Are you struggling to find the right content type for your brand? Well, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! In addition to the popular content types like blogs, articles, listicles, and infographics, we even have some Gen Z-approved content types that can help your brand stand out on social media. If you think your brand is in need of some strategised help more than information, then the experts of content marketing services at ODigMa are here to help.

A Look at 5 Content Types Leveraged by Content Agencies


People love taking quizzes, whether they are for fun or for gaining information. Social media quizzes have become increasingly popular, allowing users to tap their screens and engage with the content. Quizzes can be created in many ways to fit your target audience’s interests. You can develop quizzes that help your audience discover something about themselves or find the right products for them. This is not only engaging for the audience, but it also helps to give exposure to your products and services as well. 


People are watching videos more than ever, especially short ones, whether it’s on Instagram or YouTube. So, creating videos that grab your audience’s attention, whether a quick glance or a few minutes of their time, is essential. Videos can help your audience understand your products or services better and make a lasting impression on their minds. Do take a minute and check out the fun videos on ODigMa’s Instagram page to get a better understanding. 

3.How-To Content

From ASMR videos to tutorials on how to use a product, people love to learn new things. So why not create how-to content to help your audience use your products in new and exciting ways? A good content agency can also help you collaborate with influencers or experts in your industry and can also boost your brand’s credibility and visibility. Learn why certain types of content like ASMR are liked by many and incorporate that.

4.Reviews and Testimonials 

Reviews and testimonials are crucial for building a solid brand image. People trust other people’s opinions, so having positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers can go a long way in attracting and retaining new customers. Monitoring your online reputation and promptly responding to negative reviews or feedback is essential and it can be done by a content agency. Many brands have gained popularity majorly due to positive customer reviews and testimonials.

5. Push Notifications

Push notifications are a simple yet effective way to reach your audience. These notifications are short and to the point and can be used to promote products, services, or special offers. Timing and context are critical when using push notifications to make them effective. For example, a food app can send a personalised push notification just before lunchtime, increasing the chances of users opening and engaging with the content.

Elevate Your Brand with Cutting-Edge Content Marketing Services from ODigMa

In conclusion, these five popular content types can help your brand stand out and effectively engage with your target audience. By creating content that is both informative and engaging, you can build trust and loyalty with your customers, ultimately driving sales and growing your brand. 

However, as a business, you will need professional content marketing services to create content that is eye-catchy and trendy. So, reach out to the best content agency in Bangalore, ODigMa. We have a deep understanding of the online world and have a team of highly skilled professionals to direct you to forms of content and other marketing strategies that are proven to work best. Reach out to us today and let us put your brand in the spotlight.

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